Big Bill IS Paying Attention!

A few weeks ago I outlined efforts underway in Louisiana to cut spending bloat. This involved forming a commission to reduce government spending and eliminate wasteful programs. The efforts have yielded some excellent results. Recently, our own Governor, Bill Richardson, who I criticized in my piece for pushing only for higher taxes, named another commission and the mission of the new “Committee on Government Efficiency is to thoroughly review all areas of state government and analyze
potential savings through streamlining, consolidating and eliminating certain areas.”

We at the Rio Grande Foundation applaud Governor Richardson for his willingness to look beyond tax hikes in closing New Mexico’s massive budget deficits. The naming of this commission is a good first step. Hopefully, when the “rubber hits the road” in the upcoming legislative session, Governor Richardson and legislators alike will focus at least as much on ways to reduce unnecessary spending as they do on “revenue enhancements.”