Government Spending Database now Online
Transparency is a new watch-word when it comes to giving citizens the ability to find out more about what their employees in government are up to. We’ve made some progress in recent years. For starters, legislative floor sessions are now available for your listening pleasure and you can watch the Senate proceedings from a statonary camera. Also, Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones has opened committee meetings to cameras.
Recently, the New Mexico Contracts Database went live with all state contracts over $20,000 online. This includes a listing of Active Statewide Price Agreements. So, we are making some progress, but before we mistakenly believe that government officials are happy to share what is happening with taxpayers, let me share the Roswell Public Schools “page of the day” with you.
Today’s page, which can be found below, is one of literally thousands that the Rio Grande Foundation received from the Roswell School District in a series of statewide requests for information on how they are spending your money. We were mailed a stack of these papers with sub 6 point font. Government bodies have this information in electronic format, but they were not willing to share this with us. Look for more “pages of the day” from the Roswell Public Schools in the days ahead. Click here for page 1.
If you have a way to cheaply and accurately transcribe this information into an electronic format, please contact us at: In the meantime, perhaps you can help us get the Roswell schools to get us the data in a useful format.