Medicaid for most New Mexicans?

A decade into the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion with nothing to show for it in the way of improved health outcomes, some Democrats in New Mexico’s Legislature are pushing HB 400 which, if adopted, would make Medicaid “available for residents who have household incomes greater than 133 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) and less than 400 percent FPL.”

A December 2022 LFC report found that an astonishing 47 percent of all New Mexicans are on the welfare program and a positively mind-blowing 77 percent of births are on Medicaid. Sadly, despite massive spending growth, the LFC noted that “the state continues to face poor health outcomes overall.”

Expanding Medicaid to those making 400 percent of FPL would. If this latest Medicaid expansion were to be enacted an estimated 120,832 more New Mexicans would be placed on welfare and the percentage of New Mexicans on the program would rise another 5.7% putting more than half of the State’s population on the program.

what is dual eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid