2010 Lights of Liberty Speaker, Honorees Announced!

Deroy Murdock, one of America’s most prominent black libertarian writers will address the Rio Grande Foundation’s second annual “Lights of Liberty” luncheon on June 18, 2010. He is a sydicated columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a senior fellow with the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, a supporter of some 300 free-market think tanks in 100 countries world-wide.

Deroy Murdock is a syndicated columnist, with the Scripps Howard News Service and a Senior Fellow with the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, a supporter of some 300 free-market think tanks in 100 countries world-wide. 

Mr. Murdock’s column, “This Opinion Just In…” reaches approximately 400 newspapers across America each week, including the New York Post, The Washington Times, the Boston Herald, and The San Francisco Examiner. He is a frequent guest on CNBC, CNN, C-Span, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and other TV and radio outlets. 

As a popular public speaker, he has lectured or debated at Boston College; the Cato Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations; Harvard Medical School, the Heritage Foundation; the National Academy of Sciences; Dartmouth, Stanford, and Tulane universities; and various forums from Bogota to Buenos Aires to Budapest.

He is a native of Los Angeles, a graduate of Georgetown University, and a resident of New York City, where he earned an MBA from New York University. His MBA program included a semester at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Murdock will be speaking on “Free Enterprise in the Age of Obama.”

Honorees at this year’s luncheon will include:

• Tina Carson and the board of the Albuquerque Tea Party for their activism on behalf of the principles of limited government in New Mexico;
Sen. Tim Keller (D) for his successful efforts to reform the State Investment Council; and
Sen. Sander Rue (R) for his successful efforts to pass legislation creating New Mexico’s “Sunshine Portal.”

The event will last from noon to 1pm and will be held at the Marriott Pyramid Hotel which is located at 5151 San Francisco Road NE in Albuquerque. Cost is $40 if paid by June 11, 2010; and after June 11, 2010, the price is $50. Checks can be mailed to the Rio Grande Foundation at PO Box 40336, Albuquerque, NM 87196; for online credit card payments: www.riograndefoundation.org/events.