MLG appoints New Mexico Chamber’s Rob Black to head Economic Development

In a move that COULD signal a shift to economic sanity (and legacy building) by Gov. Lujan Grisham as she heads into her “lame duck” legislative sessions the Gov. has picked Rob Black of the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce to head up her economic develop initiatives. Could this represent a change of heart and a tack toward the middle by Lujan Grisham in her last two years in office? Only time will tell. We at the Rio Grande Foundation have spent a great deal of time attempting to understand the Gov.’s approach over her 6 years in office without success.

Here are some thoughts:

Black is on a VERY short list of people respected by both RGF and the Gov. on economic issues;

As head of the NM Chamber Black has often opposed the Gov.’s (and the “progressives'”) policies including (most recently) paid family leave in 2024. This bill will come up in 2025. Will Rob change his views to support the Gov. or will he push back against this harmful policy?

Rob is aware of the myriad problems with the gross receipts tax and supports reform.

The New Mexico Chamber has been supportive of traditional energy sources like oil and gas. The Gov. likes the money, but attacks traditional energy sources at every turn. This dynamic will be fascinating to watch.

The Gov. and her “progressive” base in the Legislature are at odds in the wake of this summer’s special session. Even IF the Gov. has a change of heart on economic policy (as she seems to have on crime) that by no means guaranteed success on common-sense economic reforms in the Legislature.

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