Reading the tea leaves on MLG’s state of the state address

In an effort to better understand exactly where New Mexico is heading during her final two years we took a close listen to MLG’s State of the State address which took place on Tuesday. We watched it in its entirety. Here are a few thoughts. For starters, it is worth noting that MLG does not mention paid family leave which has been a priority of the “progressives” in the Legislature. Stopping that is RGF’s top priority and we are hopeful that perhaps MLG is not going to push the issue. She also does not discuss tax cuts except for cuts targeted at one specific group (see below).
MLG is very excited about NM potentially seeing an improvement in its bond rating. Of course this is due to the revenue boom from oil and gas which she omits. She also omits ANY mention of returning part of the budget surplus to the people of New Mexico.
MLG cites New Mexico’s “Cradle to Career Education System which includes a Right to Child Care, Universal Pre-K, and Free College.”
She repeatedly applauds “a right to child care” and repeatedly refers to “universal pre-K” as “child care.” She even asks for $205 million MORE to make “child care” truly universal (what happened to the money already allocated from permanent fund or the Early Childhood Permanent Fund)? Finally, it is interesting she calls it “child care” and not “pre-K.”
MLG touts an 11% increase in reading proficiency thanks to last summer’s reading program. She offers no data backing this up nor does she cite where this number comes from.
She urges the Legislature to fund the 180 day school year which she has tried to mandate (no 4-day school weeks).
She asks the Legislature for $50 million to directly fund tribes and pueblos to provide educational services through the Indian Education Fund.
She again cites “Free child care, free pre-K, free school meals, free college, child tax cred, & working family tax credits as benefiting New Mexico families.”
“When you take into account the investments we’ve made in recent years our poverty rates drops to 17th in the nation, better than the national average. She’s fine until she states “50th-17th two years and says “check the numbers out.” Where? We have critiqued her claims and attempted to find any evidence for her claims. Good luck finding a state ranking of the supplemental poverty measure by state.
In an interesting move she calls for the Legislature to exempt foster families from personal income tax and double stipends for foster families.
She wants to create a state sponsored fire insurance fund which is a bad idea.
She wants to fund a Strategic Water Supply that would involved using frack water for various non-consumption-based uses. This seems like a reasonable idea.
She urges the Legislature to make New Mexico “Net Zero by 2050” which is a terrible idea.
MLG urges regulatory and zoning changes to make building housing easier plus (a good idea). She also pushes for $50 million in subsidies + a new state housing office (both of which are not needed).
She asks for $50 million to fight homelessness. We need more enforcement, not more funding.
MLG asks for a tax credit for businesses that invest in anti-crime efforts including things like private security. Leveraging private crime fighting is a worthwhile idea.
MLG notes that New Mexico medical malpractice rates are 2X national average. Rather than taking that head-on by addressing venue shopping and other issues MLG urges the creation of a state sponsored (taxpayer-funded) medical malpractice program.
The Gov.’s address doesn’t start until the 1:45 mark