Florida appellate attorney makes stop in Santa Fe to discuss “Our Constitutional Crisis.”

Constitutional Crisis is Appellate Attorney’s Topic at SFCC

Appellate attorney Rebecca O’Dell, will be holding a 45 minute presentation on “Our Current Constitutional Crisis” on Thursday, September 23 at 7 PM in the Jemez Rooms of the Santa Fe Community College. Odell will discuss the Constitution, each branch’s role within the Constitution, and how American citizens can regain control of their government.

Ms O’Dell has been traveling the country with this event to overwhelmingly positive reception. Rebecca O’Dell is an appellate attorney, practicing full-time before the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal and state appellate courts. She is an Alliance Defense Fund allied attorney and a member of its honor corps. She has filed several briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court which are awaiting a decision to be heard.

Tickets for the presentation are $10, payable at the door (Jemez Rooms, Santa Fe Community College). Space is limited to 200 on a first come basis.