Only in Union-Land (updated) (twice)

There has been a lot of talk around town about the football coaches at La Cueva, HS who have been disciplined for allowing some members of the La Cueva football to drink on a team bus come back from a state-playoff game. Whether this was a mere oversight or a purposeful decision is unknown at this time.

In the private sector, the coaches might be put on unpaid leave while the matter is investigated and would be fired if the allegations prove to be true. In this case, the coaches have been placed on paid leave and transferred.

Now, I’m not sure how transferring a “problem” teacher or coach makes any sense, but it is being reported that the Albuquerque Federation of Teachers has filed a complaint against APS on this point. Does the union oppose ANY sanctions against the coaches or just the transfer? If the coaches are found to have been neglectful in this case, will the teacher stand in the way of the firing of these coaches?

Unions CAN play a valuable role in society by representing the interests of their members, but it would certainly seem that these coaches — with their paid administrative leave — are getting a pretty good deal.

UPDATE: Is the leave for these coaches paid or unpaid? In an article in Saturday’s Journal Hailey Heinz states that it was unpaid leave. The Channel 13 article says it is paid….will get to the bottom of this.

UPDATE 2: I have confirmed with Heinz that indeed the coaches are on unpaid leave. I actually agree with the union that transferring “troubled” employees is not wise, so I guess that is that!