New Mexico Comes in 36 in “Top Places for Business”

According to a new report from CNBC, New Mexico is the 36th-best place to do business among the 50 states. Texas, not surprisingly, comes in at number 1 while Utah is 2nd, Colorado is 8th, Arizona is 22nd, and Oklahoma is 23rd (so, we’re the worst in the region by a fair amount).

What makes New Mexico business-unfriendly according to the report? Our education system is ranked 46th (actually higher than our graduation rate would lead one to believe) and our “business friendliness” comes in at 47th. That broad category would seem to place us at the bottom of such a report, but we do better than average in the categories of “economy” (we’re relatively diversified and punch above our weight thanks to the federal government) and our relatively good infrastructure.

Read the full report here.