Galisteo Basin Drilling a Boon, not Bane, for New Mexico

The issue of whether or not to drill in the Galisteo Basin has consumed Santa Fe’s local politics over the next several months. Not surprisingly, given Santa Fe’s politics, this has gone over about as well as well as a third term for President Bush would. Governor Richardson has responded to the outcry by the area’s wealthy, well-connected residents by placing a six month moratorium on drilling in the area.
In an opinion piece that was published in the Santa Fe New Mexican over the weekend, James Taylor, a Santa Fe resident and former oil man who is advising the Foundation on oil and gas issues, wrote that if oil and gas are indeed found in the Galisteo Basin, it would be a good thing for the area and the state. After all, we all use oil and all New Mexicans benefit from the largesse it provides. Besides, oil and gas drilling are fine in Farmington and Roswell, is it only OK to drill in less wealthy areas of the state, are there some in New Mexico who are simply too wealthy to tolerate drilling in their general midst?