A Cavernous Competence Problem


New Mexico’s political establishment sees Washington as an ATM. The Land of Enchantment depends, inordinately, on federal largesse, and a steady stream of press releases constantly reminds citizens of the jobs and tax revenue that come our way courtesy the nation’s taxpayers.

That’s why Carlsbad Caverns National Park’s announcement that its broken elevator won’t be fixed until next summer is worth noting. Busted since early November, it’s causing visitors to “hike in and out of the cave via the 1.25-mile Natural Entrance trail.” Not good for tourism, that.

It’s nearly unimaginable that a private-sector facility would take so long to fix a critical piece of infrastructure. The phrase “good enough for government work” comes to mind.

The news isn’t all bad, though. As highlighted by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), the U.S. Forest Service has spent “nearly $25,000” to “build the Smokey Bear Laundromat at the Lincoln National Forest in Ruidoso, N.M. — all while the closest laundromat can be found 0.2 miles away.”