A GOP strategy for the special session

The Gov. has declared a special session of the Legislature which will kick off on September 18. There are many reasons to complain about this on both sides of the aisle (too many complicated issues and no agreement on them and taking precious time out of the campaign calendar). Republicans and Democrats have both complained.

But, it is so-called “progressives” and their special interest groups who are most adamantly opposed to a special session. They a “who’s who” of those philosophically opposed to addressing crime because they are typical “soft on crime” liberals. For too long the Gov. and Democrats in the Legislature have ignored Albuquerque’s (and our State’s) serious crime issues in favor of policies that allow and encourage crime. It’s not JUST the Legislature and Gov. Judges need to be called out and electorally targeted and Mayor Keller and his policies along with the DOJ need to be addressed as well.

So, what’s my advice to the GOP which doesn’t have much in the way of real power unless the Gov. is willing to really put the heat on the Democrat-controlled Legislature (this may be happening)? Simple:

1) Stop the bellyaching (at least in public) about having a special session.

2) State clearly that where there is common ground on the issues, the GOP is willing to work with the Gov. (where there is not, make the case why).

3) IF “progressive” Democrats in the Legislature refuse to act, make sure to call them on it as we head into November.