A positive story to end the year: government CAN work in NM

It’s been another tough year for New Mexico’s economy and a lot of people are less-than-optimistic about the future of our state, but I firmly believe that the right reforms and some genuine leadership can turn our economy and educational systems around.

For one positive example of that we need to look no further than today’s Albuquerque Journal editorial lauding Secretary of State Diana Duran for her management of New Mexico’s Corporations Bureau. Her efforts have resulted in significant efficiency improvements and cost reductions which, over time, should make our economy better as well.

Some in this state love to throw around the old Lew Wallace quote that “All calculations based on experience elsewhere, fail in New Mexico.” While there is some truth to the quote, the problem is that too often, policies that have been tried successfully in other states are never attempted here. Secretary Duran showed that leadership, demanding results, and a call to treat citizens as customers can lead to positive results.

Here’s hoping the rest of New Mexico’s government, especially the Legislature, resolves to learn from the Secretary’s example.