Albuquerque to build a second BMX track

Back in the mid-2000s the City of Albuquerque spent $4.2 million to build a BMX track. The facility is next to Isotopes Park. As the 2007 article from The Alibi noted, the project at the time was not particularly popular with neighbors. We have also seen no analyses on the economic impact of the facility or how much activity takes place there.

But, the City is now going to build a second BMX track, this one at the revamped Los Altos Park, for $10 million. The difference is that the new bike track is a “pump” track meaning that you “pump” the bike back and forth to gain momentum.

Is this a priority for the City? I’ve never used the existing BMX track, but I’ve also never played pickleball in a city park. It does seem strange that the Mayor would not fund food for zoo animals in his original budget or $400K for IT at City libraries at the same time he’s pushing for another BMX track.

Government priorities are often based on the “squeaky wheel principle.” Making noise with politicians can get you what you want. But with crime still a major issue in Albuquerque, the latest budget does not prioritize hiring more police or taking on the City’s crime issues.

Pump Track Bike Skills and Tips | How to Ride a Pump Track