All-Day Kindergarten, Pre-k Fail to Produce Long-Term Results

We have previously noted on this blog that pre-k programs in other states have failed in their supposed goal of improving lasting educational attainment for children. Yesterday, Richard P. Boyle, Ph.D. of UNM’s Institute for Social Research, confirmed this in an opinion piece which appeared in the Albuquerque Journal.
The conclusion reached by Dr. Boyle (study available here), an independent researcher who is not affiliated with the Rio Grande Foundation in any way, is that “While both preschool and full-day kindergarten programs were successful during the time they operated, most advances in achievement appear to have washed away by grade four.” This closely mirrors the findings in Arizona which is even further along with its “early education” initiatives than New Mexico.
Ultimately, pre-k and all day kindergarten are simply tools to give the public education system even greater control over our children while employing more teachers and draining taxpayers’ pockets. If New Mexicans are serious about education, they need to consider choice options that restore parental control and force schools to compete to best serve parents and students. Monopolies don’t work!