Amazing Grace

If your weekend plans are not already booked, may I suggest you check out a new movie coming out this weekend in most areas of the country called “Amazing Grace.” The story is of William Wilberforce’s efforts as a member of Parliament in 18th-century England to end slavery and the slave trade in the British empire.
I first heard the story of Wilberforce and his compatriot Thomas Clarkson from Larry Reed, President of our sister think tank in Michigan. Reed visited New Mexico in November of last year and those who attended the events also heard the story of Clarkson and Wilberforce.
Essentially, Clarkson started the world’s first think tank with the “libertarian” goal of ending the slave trade. He and Wilberforce acted as a team and over nearly 50 years accomplished their goals. The lessons are that ideas matter and you should never give up.
I can’t do the story justice here so see the movie. I’ll have my review posted over the weekend.