Bad bills on the move in Santa Fe
With less than two full weeks to go in the 30-day Legislature, there are numerous bad bills still alive and moving in the New Mexico Legislature. Here are some of the absolute worst. For some of these there are action alerts available and you can send emails to members of the Legislature:
SB 14: The Clean Fuels Standard. This would raise gas prices and impose a “cap and trade” system on New Mexico. You can take action at the following link because: There is never a good time to unnecessarily raise gas prices, especially NOW!
HB 6:This bill will force New Mexicans to produce HALF the CO2 the entire State did back in 2005 (by the year 2030, just 8 years from now). By 2050 this bill will force New Mexico to be “net zero” meaning NO CO2 emissions. Click here to email the Legislature. STOP trying to outdo California by enacting radical ‘green’ laws!
SB 8: This bill would dramatically-overhaul voting in New Mexico. You can contact your legislators here to express opposition to the bill that would allow 3rd party groups to register voters, tells Human Services Department register welfare recipients to vote, and creates “permanent” absentee voter list (on top of our poorly-maintained voter rolls).
HB 132: This bill would impose legislatively-determined interest rates on loan providers. It is on the House floor today, Feb. 7, but we’ll have more about how you can get in touch with the Legislature.