Bernalillo County to vote Tuesday night on revised commissioner salaries (of up to $150,000)

On Election Day voters in the state of New Mexico overwhelmingly voted to revise New Mexico’s Constitution to put county commissions themselves in charge of setting their pay (Amendment 4). While at the Rio Grande Foundation we had our doubts about this plan the voters overwhelmingly passed it.
So, (with limited time left in 2024 to adopt new county commissioner salaries for 2025) at Tuesday’s meeting there will likely be a vote on the new salaries of Bernalillo County Commissioners. (Check your local county commission for details on their plans to vote on revisions as well).
Currently, commissioners in Bernalillo County receive $39,000 annually (see page 1009 of the agenda for Tuesday).
One plan would increase salaries to $150,000 annually. Another would leave salaries at current rates. Other plans would increase rates by some percentage rate of increase.
What is the correct salary for Bernalillo County commissioners? It would certainly not be wise to raise them 4X to $150,000. Whatever you think send commissioners a note by the meeting time on Tuesday at 5pm.