CNM: EV chargers cost $45,000 per unit

We had heard a rumor that there were some faulty/malfunctioning EV charging stations on campus so we recently submitted a detailed request for public records relating to CNM’s EV charging stations. Here they are (along with CNM’s responses in bold):

1) How many functional EV charging stations does CNM have on its campuses and where are they located (distribution by campus)? CNM has 4 functional EV charging stations, all located on Main Campus.

2) Are there any non-functional EV charging stations at any of CNM’s various campuses (if so, where are they located)? No

3) What was the cost to install each charging station? $45,000

Based on the specs, these are “level 2” charging stations. RGF’s president recently had an opinion piece in the ABQ Journal in which he stated that the cost per EV charger was $18,000. It is hard to say why CNM’s are more expensive, but it is also worth noting that New Mexico is hardly the only state mandating and subsidizing EV’s. As that is done their price will inevitably rise.

CNM Receives Grant to Install New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Campus