Creating Opportunities for New Mexicans

A new pro-business organization has entered the playing field with an op-ed in today’s Albuquerque Journal urging policymakers to focus on private-sector job creation for New Mexicans. While somewhat short on specifics and filled with happy talk such as the supposed fact that we need “strong and efficient public and private sectors.” No, we don’t need a “strong” public sector and yes, the public sector (ie. government) is in direct competition with the private sector for resources and talent.

Nonetheless, it is great to see an organization here in New Mexico that is focused on private sector job growth, the only way to solve some of our most pressing budget issues. Of course, I hope that the organization will focus on sustainable jobs created by entrepreneurs via a fair and low tax structure and equitable and reasonable regulations, not lavish subsidies focused on narrow industries. Hopefully this group, Creating Opportunities for New Mexicans becomes a powerful, pro-private-sector voice in New Mexico. We need it.