Dramatic expansion of mining needed to fulfill electric vehicle goals

Whatever you think of electric vehicles, politicians including most prominent Democrats (and our Gov.) believe that EV’s are worth heavy taxpayer subsidies and mandates for their use. A recent Yahoo News article quotes mining experts (including CEO of a lithium mining company) as saying:

“There’s going to be a real crunch to get the material. We don’t have enough in the world to turn that much [lithium] production in the world by 2035.”

Whatever the year, the challenge is a big one and it will require dramatic increases in mining in the US and around the globe. By 2050 it is estimated that 5X more lithium will be needed. Cobalt and graphite production will also have to ramp up dramatically.

Below is what a lithium extraction field looks like (from this article). Will the Biden Administration or some future Democrat really allow widespread development of these?

Tom Hegen