Event video and protester photos from this week’s Right to Work Events!

We were blessed this week to have the heads of the state think tanks from Oklahoma and Michigan in town this week to discuss the concept of “Competitive Federalism” and Right to Work.

No Right to Work event is complete without protesters and a few union supporters were out to express their opposition to worker freedom. Check out the photos here, here, and here.

Michael Carnuccio of the Oklahoma Council for Public Affairs had the following thoughts about his visit to New Mexico as expressed in his weekly column.

And lastly, we have video of Carnuccio’s presentation on “Competitive Federalism:”

How Competitive Federalism Can Spur New Mexico’s Economy from Paul Gessing on Vimeo.

And, here is the panel discussion that took place with Lehman, Carnuccio, and Gessing explaining the issues surrounding Right to Work in the respective states.

7-11-13 Right to Work Panel from Paul Gessing on Vimeo.