Comparing individual New Mexico schools

It is difficult, given the lack of coherently-presented information, to understand how good or poor of a job various schools throughout New Mexico are doing. Performance comparison that takes into account students’ socio-economic backgrounds and historical improvement has not really been done. Well, thanks to the New Mexico Coalition of Charter Schools, it has now.

Check out the Coalition’s “School Dashboard.” It allows interested parents and the public to see how every public and charter school in the state is performing on the state’s Standards Based Assessment (the main standardized test administered by the state.

So far, data is only available for 2009 and 2011, but assuming that the data continues to be updated into the future, this report will give a good indicator of which schools are doing the job and which are not. Kudos to the New Mexico Coalition of Charter Schools for pushing both charter and traditional public schools further down the road to transparency and accountability!