Gutsiest Opinion Piece Ever
A state employee named Charles R. Ferguson had what may be the most courageous opinion piece I’ve ever seen in the Albuquerque Journal today.
The piece is fantastic, but the money quote is “Just think about this: if you walked into a business and demanded money from them, and told them to pay up or go out of business, the district attorney would have a field day charging you with extortion and racketeering. But stick a union label on that scenario and it’s called ‘fair share’ or ‘agency fee.'”
Obviously, a key component of economic freedom is for an employer and employee to agree to determine the terms of their relationship and not to have a third party (unions supported by the government) intervening. If New Mexico is ever to have such policies, known as “Right to Work,” the Rio Grande Foundation will be a key factor in that success. Unfortunately, despite Mr. Ferguson’s courageous words, we are a long way from achieving that freedom here in New Mexico.