Healthcare and Freeedom Forum – Albuquerque

The Libre Initiative and Americans for Prosperity New Mexico Present

Healthcare and Freeedom Forum: Is the Affordable Healthcare Act Truly Affordable?

Wednesday, August 22nd 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM Luncheon

The Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North

5151 San Francisco Rd. NE  87109

A panel discussion on the new law and how it will affect you, your family and your business. As implementation draws near, what you need to know about compliance with expert analysis from the medical, legal, and faith community.

Confirmed panelists include:

Former U.S. Congressman Bill Redmond

Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing

Rio Grande Foundation Scholar Dr. Deane Waldman

This is a free event and space is limited:

RSVP by August 20th to:
