Kudos to Albuquerque Public Schools for joining the digital learning revolution!

I have to admit that I almost did not believe my eyes when I saw Sunday’s op-ed in the Albuquerque Journal by Donald Moya, CFO of the Albuquerque Public Schools (APS). It is great to see New Mexico’s largest school district (and several other districts) embracing digital learning, calling it “the way of the future.”

As a board member of one of two New Mexico virtual schools, Connections Academy,  which came under attack in the Legislature on multiple occasions during the legislative session (not the least of which included Hanna Skandera’s confirmation hearing), I am thrilled to have this endorsement of the basic learning model that we are working on supported so strongly by the traditional schools.

There can be no doubt that technology individualizes learning in ways that one teacher in front of 25 students cannot. APS has a real opportunity to be a national leader in both implementing digital reforms and in pushing the New Mexico Legislature to clear the way for such options, whether they be within the traditional school system, charters, or some other model that may be available. I hope they will seize upon this opportunity and perhaps consider some of the concepts in the 2012 edition of the “Digital Learning Now” 50 state report card as they move forward.