LFC budget ALSO a dud for taxpayers

With $900 million in “new” money and $13.4 billion in general fund revenue available to them, the Legislative Finance Committee’s budget is not much different from the one proposed by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. It proposes to spend $10.8 billion which is a slightly lower amount than MLG’s $10.9 billion budget.
While the lower spending number is welcome, the reality is that whether the money is spent now or allocated to one of our State’s permanent funds it is going to be spent by government. How the money is spent makes less of a difference at this point than whether or not some of the surplus is shared with average New Mexicans and businesses (or not).
Of course, legislative Democrats and the Gov. need to look no further than November’s election results. The Democrats have grown government and mostly NOT shared the wealth with average New Mexicans and voters have rewarded them with electoral success.
So, with a long 60-day session ahead of us it looks like taxpayers will be (again) left out in the cold.