Liberty on the Rocks – New Albuquerque Location (back to Slate Street Cafe!)

Liberty is Rockin'!
Please join us at Liberty on the Rocks!
Note New Location!
Join the Rio Grande Foundation For an Evening of
Discussion and Fellowship in Albuquerque!
"Liberty on the Rocks" is a no-host happy hour discussion and information-sharing session.
In October Libery on the Rocks will take place on Monday, October 19th from 6:00 to 7:30PM. We'll be returning to a prior location at the Slate Street Cafe which is located at: 515 Slate Ave NW in Albuquerque. A private room has been reserved for this event.
There is no cost for this public event, but attendees are encouraged to have dinner or drinks. Registration is not required but is much appreciated. Click here to register online – it's quick and free!