MLG, left wingers’ misguided “pride” in New Mexico’s awful child poverty rate

According to a new report from the US Census Bureau, New Mexico’s child poverty rate is highest in the nation. But, once you factor in a variety of “anti-poverty” programs that number improves significantly. That information generated praise from Gov. Lujan Grisham as well as Speaker Martinez (see below). It also caused New Mexico Voices for Children’s Emily Wildau to say “Absolutely, we should feel proud about it.”
So, what generated all this great news? Simply put, the Census Bureau has two different measures of poverty. The first and more well-known doesn’t include government programs. The other called the “supplemental poverty measure” does. That’s the one New Mexico sees improved performance in. Oddly enough (as seen in the table below) the programs included are all federal (making the self congratulatory tone taken by MLG/Martinez/Wildau) especially odd. A Medicaid expansion discussed in the KUNM article linked above is made out to be a big help, but that program began in 2024 after Census data were compiled.
Ironically for Wildau, the “Kids Count” report ranked New Mexico 50th overall (again) this year. One wonders how much the myriad government programs actually benefit children in impoverished families relative to those families working and earning the money themselves. Also, the Census Bureau also acknowledges numerous issues with the Supplemental Poverty Measure. Overall, this is a strange report to celebrate.