More Energy or Not?
We haven’t worked directly on the issue, nor do we have a relationship with the company behind the proposed coal-fired power plant known as Desert Rock that is now being debated for construction on the Navajo Reservation near Farmington. That said, this nation and the west especially are growing rapidly and no matter what the environmental community may say, fossil fuels are still the only large-scale source of energy available in the United States. Solar has a niche as do wind and hydroelectric, but the bulk of our power comes from and will continue to come from coal, oil, and natural gas (with nuclear making a comeback).
Of course, as with any energy project that is not 100% politically-correct, opponents are coming out of the woodwork to oppose it. Their arguments seem less-than-convincing, however. In fact, while “environmental injustice” towards the Navajo is at the top of the complaint list, the duly elected representatives of the Navajo Nation support the project knowing that it will create jobs and alleviate some of the poverty on the reservation.
Comments are now being collected from concerned parties. You can comment on the project here.