New Mexico a mediocre 36th in 50 state election integrity scorecard

New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver loves to tout the State’s high ranking in one national report. You can find their metrics here. Having looked at them, they are wanting and don’t really study the integrity of elections, but just basic processes.
The Heritage Foundation on the other hand has a far more relevant index that ranks states based on what we truly care about which is election integrity. In that index New Mexico scores a mediocre 36th. It’s not as bad as some really bad states, but it is nowhere near the top. What does Heritage look at?
They consider whether states have voter ID, accurate voter lists, don’t allow ballot harvesting, and manage absentee ballots effectively. It is a much more relevant to the concerns of voters in both parties than the MIT report referenced by the SoS.
You can click the image below to check out the Heritage Foundation Election Integrity Scorecard. FYI: Tennessee is the top performing state while Hawaii is worst.