Obama Energy Nominee prevaricates on natural gas exports

I recently discussed the potential for natural gas exports (LNG) from New Mexico to energy-poor nations like Japan. Notably, since that column was published, Senators Udall and Bingaman (along with Rep. Pearce) have endorsed LNG exports. Unfortunately, there is no legislation on the topic. The decision is ultimately up to our Dear Leader, Obama who has nominated a fellow named Ernest Moniz as Secretary of Energy. As Steve Milloy over at the Washington Times noted, Moniz prevaricated when asked by Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski about his stance on LNG exports. You can see video footage for yourself below:

It is no surprise that Obama would not nominate someone who would take a firm stance on policies not yet approved and vetted by the Administration, but his answer is disappointing and vague nonetheless.

Interestingly, according to the following report from Motley Fool, yet another argument in favor of LNG exports is that manufacturing has become increasingly-energy efficient and thus less reliant on LNG as an energy source. This will further free up supplies for export.