Plaintiffs needed for lawsuit against New Mexico school mandates
In conjunction with New Mexico Stands Up!, the Rio Grande Foundation is helping to collect plaintiffs for a lawsuit against NM school mandates. This could include any mandate that affecting children, including mask requirements, athletics mask requirements, etc. This will be crowdfunded, so $$ should not be an issue.
Paul will be interviewing Ana Garner an attorney with New Mexico Stands Up! on Monday for Tipping Point NM.
If you want to join this lawsuit, please Sarah Smith the following information:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Address
- Preferred mode of communication (email, text, phone call)
- Brief note describing your situation (age of child affected, anything you want to add about what transpired, etc)
Contact Sarah directly at the email address below for more information:
Sarah Smith
Las Cruces, NM
New Mexico Freedoms Alliance
Free People of the Southwest