Push to force EV charging stations will only increase apartment rental prices

In yet another attempt to “make fetch happen” on EV’s the State of New Mexico’s Construction Industries Division (CID) is considering regulations that would require new construction projects to make between 1% and 20% of their available parking EV-friendly spaces. Since charging stations cost between $7,000 and $18,000 each, that means prices of commercial projects and apartments will be much harder and more expensive to develop.

This is a problem especially since rents have been skyrocketing in Albuquerque and nationwide in recent years. If implemented on apartments the current proposed standards will increase costs by “several hundreds of thousands of dollars per multifamily property.”

According to Alan LaSeck, the executive director of the Apartment Association of New Mexico, “That actually stops properties from being built, or, we increase rent to make up the difference.”

Yet again, New Mexico is pushing EV’s in the name of being “green” while foisting the costs on the rest of us.