Radical journalist Amy Goodman to fundraise for taxpayer-supported KUNM, KSFR, and KNME

It never ceases to amaze me what the political left gets away with in New Mexico. Amy Goodman, the host of the nationally-syndicated Democracy Now! is one of the most radical left-wing journalists in America. There is no real analog on the right, but it would probably be a cross between Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh.

And on April 26, Goodman will be in Santa Fe doing a fundraiser for those stations.


Now, we would never criticize a left-wing non-profit group like New Mexico Voices for Children for raising money by hosting a liberal commentator or journalist, even Ms. Goodman, but these are “public” radio and television stations (receiving taxpayer support). They are ostensibly “objective news” sources.

It’s time to end the charade. Privatize these “public” television and radio stations and let them serve their liberal, high-income “customers” without taxpayer support. Does anyone seriously believe that Downton Abbey or Sesame Street wouldn’t make it without government subsidy? Will we see future fundraisers with prominent conservative/free market speakers?