“Repeal ObamaCare Now!” Albuquerque Presentation by Columnist Deroy Murdock

Join the Rio Grande Foundation at this Albuquerque early evening event on November 19th featuring nationally sydicated columnist and Fox News contributor, Deroy Murdock


The supposedly unsinkable S.S. ObamaCare launched on October 1st to tremendous pomp and circumstance. A month later, it already has begun to slide into the sea, as the increasingly nervous passengers head for the lifeboats. What happens next? Will anyone survive this disaster?

deroy_murdockDeroy Murdock has written extensively on ObamaCare and the concept of government medicine. He strongly believes that average citizens and voters should work to repeal this destructive law.

Murdock will discuss this burgeoning controversy at an upcoming Rio Grande Foundation event.

  • When:  Tuesday, November 19, 2013 from 6:00PM to 7:30PM
  • Where:  UNM School of Law, 1117 Stanford Dr. NE, Room 2401, Albuquerque, NM  87106
  • What:  Light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be available
  • Cost:  $10 payable in advance online here or at the door

New York political commenter Deroy Murdock is a nationally syndicated columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a Senior Fellow with the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, a supporter of about 460 free-market think tanks in 90 countries world-wide. Mr. Murdock’s column — “This Opinion Just In …” — reaches approximately 400 newspapers across America each week, including the New York Post, the Washington Times, the Boston Herald, and the San Francisco Examiner. He is a Fox News Contributor and has been a frequent guest on CNBC, CNN, C-Span, MSNBC, and other TV and radio outlets.

As a popular public speaker, he has lectured or debated at the Cato Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations; Harvard Medical School, the Heritage Foundation; the National Academy of Sciences; Dartmouth, Stanford, and Tulane universities; and various fora, from Bogotá to Buenos Aires to Budapest. He is a native of Los Angeles, a graduate of Georgetown University, and a resident of Manhattan, where he earned an MBA from New York University. His program included a semester of study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Deroy Murdock hopes that someday the free society will bring him — and every American — more leisure time to experience fine dining, motion pictures, skiing, live music, and the priceless joys of friends and loved ones.