RGF out and about in New Mexico
There has been a lot going on at the Rio Grande Foundation recently. For starters, on the evening of September 12, RGF president Paul Gessing participated in a panel on homelessness and homeless policy (held under the auspices of the UNM Law School and Judge James Browning). The panel below included a diverse array of opinions on the subject. You can listen to a podcast on homelessness that Paul recorded with Judge Glock of the Manhattan Institute here.
RGF’s president was also in Socorro recently where he spoke to the Socorro Republican Party and visited with former NM House Speaker Don Tripp.
During his visit to Socorro Paul stopped by McDonald’s (around 8pm on a Thursday) and noticed the adjacent bank of EV chargers. By no means was there a throng of cars charging although there WAS one vehicle.
Finally, Paul and his wife Krista had a chance to attend the Folds of Honor dinner over the last weekend. A few months ago Paul spoke to Col. Jim Quick who heads the NM Folds of Honor chapter which provides scholarship to families of fallen or injured military and first responders.