RGF president to discuss the need for tax reform/reduction at upcoming event

The event is all about tax reform at both the federal and state levels. RGF’s President Paul Gessing will be discussing how to reform New Mexico’s tax code given the fact that the State has massive budget surpluses. What can be done to improve New Mexico’s tax structure? How should we think about taxes and tax reform? Are there realistic solutions given New Mexico’s status as a “blue” state?

Additional discussion will take place involving the Trump Tax Cuts, their economic importance, and what New Mexicans can do to get them done!

It is being put on by Americans for Prosperity New Mexico. Details below:

Date: Saturday March 8th.

Time: 11:30 a.m.-1:30 pm.

Location: 3339 Central Ave SE suite G, Albuquerque, NM 87106

This is a Protect Prosperity Event sponsored by Americans for Prosperity.

Enjoy a delicious catered lunch.

* RSVP to Bobbi Curtis @ 505-385-5564 by March 6.