RGF shares concerns about EV charging station mandate (and 750 petitions in opposition)

Rio Grande Foundation president Paul Gessing took the opportunity to share his opposition (and the opposition of 750 signatories of our petition at KeepYourCarsNM) to the Gov.’s proposed regulations mandating costly EV chargers and “charger readiness” be added to new homes and commercial developments (including commercial ones) in New Mexico. 

The gist of Gessing’s remarks was that the proposed mandates are “one-size-fits-all” policy that will negatively impact those in rural areas and those that cannot afford to pay more for more expensive housing that complies with these regulations. EV’s may work for many who live in New Mexico’s big cities, but they don’t necessarily work in rural New Mexico and for those who drive long distances every day.

The CID Board will vote on the proposal in a few weeks. Sadly, a majority of those speaking were from environmental groups supporting the regulations.

We will post video once it is available.