RGF’s Take on ObamaCare Decision

Supreme Court decisions, like babies, wait for no one, so it is at this late date that I put some thoughts together on the Supreme Court’s decision in upholding the federal health care law known as “ObamaCare” which was handed down last Thursday morning. The good news is that the dust is starting to settle and nuances of the decision are coming out including the revelation that Chief Justice Roberts changed his mind on the law in order to deliver Obama a 5-4 majority.

With all that has been said about the decision, it is worth noting that conservatives can often be counted on to support massive government power grabs, despite supposed ideological concerns, but liberals rarely surprise anyone by casting votes against government power. “Growth” only works in one direction, I suppose.

Ultimately, the health care mess, regardless of the Court’s decision, was going to fall back into the laps of the American people. Even had the Court ruled in the opposite direction by striking down ObamaCare, the need to peel back decades of government meddling (including Bush’s prescription drug benefit) and regulations was dire. Now, we just face another layer of rules and regulations.

Dare I state the obvious that the only surefire way to kill this law is non-compliance? If you don’t have insurance, don’t get it and don’t pay the fine. They can’t put us all in jail. Myself, I have a health savings account that is likely to become far more expensive due to ObamaCare.