School Choice Could Increase NM Graduation Rates 18%, Increase Tax Revenue

At least, that is how much a voucher system implemented in Milwaukee is estimated to have raised graduation rates in that city according to a new study. Now, does that mean we should adopt vouchers in New Mexico? Maybe not, but the fact is that choice is working where it has been tried. Tax credits would be another option and pursuit of the full-fledged reforms adopted in Florida is another option.

Based on a separate study, the annual impact from 3,352 more MPS graduates would include an additional $21.2 million in personal income and $3.6 million in extra tax revenue. Perhaps New Mexico could at least partially solve its budgetary problems through the aggressive adoption of school choice? One can only hope…after all, raising graduation rates and a healthier economy…that’s change I can believe in! The full report on Milwaukee’s school choice results can be found here.