Some loosening of restrictions from Gov. Lujan Grisham (reflecting several RGF guidelines)
Better late than never. It has been more than two weeks since the Rio Grande Foundation put forth “Eight shutdown decisions the Gov. should reverse immediately.” The good news is that the Gov. has acted and opened a handful of businesses we recommended be opened including gun stores, golf courses, state parks, and certain medical providers.
The medical portion was NOT included in the Gov.’s press conference yesterday, but the announcement linked to above contains the gist of the loosening restriction although the language is not particularly clear.
We STILL believe strongly that churches should be reopened in a reasonable manner and same with liquor stores.
Overall, the Gov. needs to move beyond (and she has somewhat with her order giving additional freedom to retailers) picking and choosing various industries as “essential” or “non-essential.” Implementing clear, broad guidelines both in terms of local governments as well as businesses as outlined in our petition is the direction that she must go.