The initial wave of bad bills from the New Mexico House of Representatives

We assessed some of the pre-filed and other bad legislation from the New Mexico Senate here. Below are some of the worst bills that have been introduced in the House to date.

Worst House Bills (so far)

HB 4 NM Civil Rights Act: would allow legal claims to be filed in state court over alleged infringements on free speech, freedom of religion and other constitutional rights. Major concerns have been expressed over the cost of this legislation.

HB 20, HB 37, HB 38 Some of the initial examples of proposed paid sick leave mandates.

HB 24 would mandate at least one full time nurse be hired in all New Mexico school districts.

HB 40 would ban all privately-managed detention facilities in New Mexico

HB 43 Black Education Act would require “racial sensitivity” and “anti-racism” training and propaganda for staff and students from K-12 to higher education.

HB 110 Legislation would impose a $15/hour minimum wage.

HB 111 would impose various unnecessary rules and restrictions on real estate and rental transactions.

HB 122 This bill would impose a new tax on health insurance.

HJR 1 would amend New Mexico’s constitution to tap into the Land Grant Permanent Fund to create new “early childhood” programs including pre-K.