The (not so) hidden hand of MLG’s COVID policies in New Mexico’s awful Kids Count results

At Rio Grande Foundation we have commented here and here about the State’s 50th overall ranking in the latest Kids Count report. We are digging into it in detail and providing context (per the usual). Liberal interest groups and many media outlets rarely criticized Gov. Lujan Grisham’s school closure or lockdown policies at the time (we did).

Of the 16 variables highlighted in the report we believe that four are directly related to state COVID policies. We have posted graphics directly from the report below. The report itself notes in the black text just how steep these variables have declined.

If there IS cause for optimism here it is that even lockdown-happy Michelle Lujan Grisham has long ago relented. The bad news of course is that New Mexico’s kids (already facing big challenges and previous 50th and 49th place rankings in the report) were unnecessarily and further impacted by the Gov.’s policies.

While child and teen death rates MAY have been impacted by COVID to an extent, data suggests it was more likely driven by depression and suicide.