Time for “all of the above” approach to education for NM

New Mexico should be in crisis mode. It’s K-12 education system is in crisis. Problems abound: recent reports highlight serious school attendance issues, the NAEP test places New Mexico 52nd across ALL age groups and subjects studied, the Kids Count report shows New Mexico kids are losing ground, and no one seems to have a solution. Education spending has increased markedly in recent years, but with nothing to show for it.

At the Rio Grande Foundation (and our education project “Opportunities for All Kids New Mexico” we believe New Mexico’s education challenges are an existential threat to both our children and our economic prospects. No solution should be off the table. So, we are hosting a free, day-long education conference in which experts from all across the nation and State discuss potential solutions which include: private choice, charter schools, improvements to the existing system (like Mississippi), micro-schools, 529 plans, and more.    

The conference will get started at 9am and last until about 4. If you are interested in attending or finding out more, click below: