Tipping Point NM Episode 520: NM Share of GDP shrank between 2012 and 2022, Another EV Mandate and more

Paul and his family took a trip to Texas recently. RGF often cites data highlighting the economic success of Texas. He shares a bit about the trip and Texas’ economic success. Also, Buc’ees are awesome!

NM’s already small share of national GDP shrank between 2012 and 2022. Gov. MLG plans to push ANOTHER EV mandate through the unelected Environmental Improvement Board. Currently the Gov. has imposed a 7% mandate as of 1 year ago by 2025.

The Gov. plans on imposing a 43 percent mandate starting in 2027 with that requirement going to 82% by 2032. The Gov. has also called on the Biden Administration to impose strict regulations on trucks. An RGF op ed on Kids Count ran statewide.

Also, RGF is hosting a statewide conference on education reform through its Opportunities for All Kids project on September 22nd. Sen. Heinrich & White House tout mother of four living in ABQ’s “International District” being given $10,500 for “updated and more powerful and efficient electric system, advanced light bulbs, air sealing, high efficiency shower heads, low-flush toilets and other improvements.”

The City of ABQ also received $18.2 million in federal $$ for 20 buses. That’s $910,000 per bus. According to the American Public Power Association An average diesel transit bus costs around $500,000, compared with $750,000 for an electric bus.