Trump could have made even more points in debate

There’s no question that President Trump absolutely obliterated Joe Biden in their recent debate. Considering the failed nature of Biden’s presidency there were many opportunities for Trump to attack Biden’s record on a whole host of issues. But, Trump was arguably the very best president in American history (certainly relative to his modern peers) on energy issues. It would have been nice to see Trump “flex” some very big
- policy differences between him and the current President. Biden’s Liquefied Natural Gas bans. Had he to do it over again, I’d have loved for Trump to turn the “climate crisis” question asked by the moderators back on Biden by touting liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and how Biden is actually hurting climate change efforts by limiting exports. Biden will have another opportunity to act (either in favor or against LNG) again soon.
- Trump ALSO missed an opportunity to point out how Biden’s EV mandates are unpopular, unworkable, expensive, and not all that great for the environment.