We won’t miss Joe Biden: here are his top 11 worst policies

Having had a front row seat to the last four years of Joe Biden’s administration we are inclined to rate him as the worst US president since Woodrow Wilson (Wilson is our choice for worst of all time). George W. Bush, LBJ, and Richard Nixon are honorable mentions, but we struggled to come up with ANY major policies on which we agreed with Biden. Here’s our Top 10 list of bad Biden policies:
- The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan: 13 US service members were killed and untold both US citizens and US-friendly Afghans were left behind in the biggest foreign policy blunder since the 2003 Iraq invasion;
- Anti-energy policies: whether it is the canceling of the Keystone XL pipeline, LNG export limits, or putting 625 million acres of outer continental shelf off limits Joe Biden’s policies consistently attacked American energy;
- Insane border policies: whether you support more legal immigration (as we do) or less, leaving a wide-open border for millions of un-vetted migrants to walk across is bad policy and dangerous;
- Created inflation crisis with his overspending and anti-energy policies. Trump and every other president (and Congress) who overspent in the past bear some of the burden, but ultimately inflation reared its ugly head under Biden and he was unable or unwilling to solve it;
- Disregarded rule of law: while Biden never stopped talking about Trump and the rule of law, Biden single-handedly attempted to force millions of Americans to receive an experimental vaccine (this was rejected by the Supreme Court), force taxpayers to pay off student loans, and claim the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment on his way out the door. These are just a few “lowlights” of his harmful policies.
- Cracked down on free speech
- Failed COVID policies: unlike Trump, Biden had time and a vaccine ready to go on Day one. Unfortunately Biden’s policies on COVID were both anti-freedom and a failure.
- Overspending: while Trump certainly overspent even before the COVID pandemic Biden did nothing to restrain spending and instead took it upon himself to increase the federal deficit by about $2.5 trillion more than what the Congressional Budget Office projected for fiscal years 2021-2024. Spending surged by about $4.7 trillion and tax revenues by about $2.2 trillion. The national debt rose to $35.5 trillion.
- Overly aggressive enforcement of anti-trust: Biden was anti-business and that included efforts to push back against a host of corporate mergers from Spirit Airlines to Albertsons and Nippon Steel. None of these mergers would have created anything resembling “monopolies.”
- Overregulation: Biden was a big fan of government regulation with new regulations totaling $1.4 trillion.
- Abuse of presidential pardon: from Hunter Biden (for crimes that potentially benefited his family) to Anthony Fauci, General Mark Milley, and the members of the January 6th Select Committee (including war hawk Liz Cheney), Biden’s abuse of the pardon power was his last abuse of power on his way out of office.