Wow, Kirtland accounts for 10 percent of state’s GDP

I found this article from Albuquerque Business First at once fascinating and terrifying. The idea that any one entity employs 1 of every 14 workers and accounts for $7.8 billion in economic impact is shocking. The fact that this is just the DOE and DoD impact on our local economy is all the more astonishing.

To call Albuquerque itself a “one horse town” when it comes to its economy would be an understatement. Of course, the flip side is that I shudder to think what would happen to the local economy were Kirtland to ever close or even face significant cutbacks. RGF has been sounding the warning bell about the need to diversify New Mexico’s economy.

And, while the tax deal in the last legislative session may have a positive impact, there is much to do to reform the regulatory, tax, and education systems that hold us back from true prosperity.