MLG’s latest education secretary departs

No matter your political views (and we are not fans), it appears that Michelle Lujan Grisham is not an easy person to work for. Sadly, but per the usual, New Mexico kids are the ones suffering.

We refer to the latest Secretary of Public Education Arsenio Romero’s abrupt departure from his job as New Mexico’s “education czar.” We know that Romero is in the running for president at New Mexico State University, but he doesn’t have the job yet. In fact, IF there is bad blood between him and the Gov. (seems like it) it could negatively impact his chances for that job.

What does this all mean? The Gov. who came in touting an “education moonshot” hasn’t just failed after 6 years in office, rather, New Mexico’s already-struggling schools have slipped further behind and are ranked dead last in the nation in most reports.

Meanwhile MLG pushes non-sensical policies like forcing 5-day school weeks into ALL districts statewide and having schools grow their own food onsite for student consumption. We don’t know where Romero’s heart really is on education policy, but I can’t imagine he believes these policies will move the needle on New Mexico’s education system. Meanwhile, of course, genuine school choice as experienced in thriving Arizona remains a dream for New Mexico students.

And, while RGF came away impressed by new APS superintendent Blakey, we recognize that New Mexico’s failures are system in nature and that it takes a lot more than one good super to turn even APS around, let alone the entire state.